Top 10 Longest Rivers

Top 10 longest rivers in the world

River is a natural stream of fresh water that has a current and moved towards another body of water such as an ocean, lake or another river, rivers can be of different sizes. Shiv kids education is covered here Top 10 longest rivers in the world in 2020 with picture. Please click on Top 10 longest rivers in the world to see video.

10) The Amur River

Amur River is extending between northeastern China and Russia.
It is 4,444 Kilometers and 2,763 miles in length, Also known as the Heilong Jiang, 10th longest river in the world.

amur-river-Top 10 longest rivers in the world in 2020
9) The Congo River

Congo river is the deepest river in the world.
It is 4,700 Kilometers and 2,922 miles in length.Also known as the Zaire River, 9th longest river in the world.

congo-river-Top 10 longest rivers in the world in 2020
8) The Parana River

Parana river is located in South America.
It is 4,880 Kilometers and 3,030 miles in length, Also known as Rio De la Plata, 8th longest river in the world.

parana-river-Top 10 longest rivers in the world in 2020
7) The Ob-Irtysh River

The Ob-Irtysh river flows in Russia, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia.
It is 5,410 Kilometers and 3,364 miles in length, Also known as Ob River, 7th longest river in the world.

6) The yellow River

Yellow river flows in China.Called the Yellow River for its color.
It is 5,464 Kilometers and 3,395 miles in length, Also known as Huang He, 6th longest river in the world.

5) The Yenisei River

Yenisei river flows in Russia and Mongolia.
It is 5,539 Kilometers and 3,445 miles in length, It’s also romanized Yenisey, 5th longest river in the world

4) The Mississippi River

Mississippi river flows in US and Canada.
It is 6275 kilometers and 3,902 miles in length, Combined with Missouri river, 4th longest river in the world.

3) The Yangtze River

Yangtze river flows in China, It is longest river in Asia.
It is 6300 kilometers and 3,917 miles in length, It’s also known as Chang Jiang, 3rd longest river in the world.

2) The Amazon River

Amazon river flows in  Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Guyana.
It is 6400 kilometers and 3,976 miles in length, 2nd longest river in the world.

1) The Nile River

Nile river is one of the major river of North-Africa, It flows by eleven countries.
It is 6650 kilometers and 4132 miles in length,1st longest river in the world.


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